Academisch artikel | ‘Je Suis Pas Tatamisé’: Five Spectrums of Variation in the Narratives of 20 Aikido Experts Worldwide in 2020 (2024) (Engels)

  • Academisch artikel | ‘Je Suis Pas Tatamisé’: Five Spectrums of Variation in the Narratives of 20 Aikido Experts Worldwide in 2020 (2024) (Engels)

‘Je Suis Pas Tatamisé’: Five Spectrums of Variation in the Narratives of 20 Aikido Experts Worldwide in 2020

Een artikel in het tijdschrift Martial Arts Studies: 

De Baets, G. A. (2023). 'Je Suis Pas Tatmisé': Five Spectrums of Variation in hte Narratives of 20 Aikido Experts Worldwide in 2020. Martial Arts Studies, (15), 25-37.

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Tags: academisch, wetenschappelijk, aikido, aikidocommunicatie, experten